The logical step is to move back up to the shark infested waters of the 75$ 45 mans. How long do I wait? I figure after I make another 3k my BR will be back in order and I will have had enough reps put into the 45's that I'll be comfortable and confident in those games. Stop loss hasn't been set yet, but I won't hesitate to drop back down to only 26's.
Now onto the hand play of the day. I've had a couple sexy hands where I was a monkey and 4 bet out of control but those aren't all that interesting, just a game of chicken seeing who can out level who.
Full Tilt - $24+2 $24 + $2 Sit & Go (#203926833) - Blinds: 40/80 No Limit Hold'em (8 players)
Full Tilt Hand Converter Tool from CardsChat.com
SB Hero: $2705
BB: $2730
UTG: $1105
MP: $1155
MP+1: $2370
MP+2: $1640
CO: $775
BTN: $1525
Pre-flop: ($120) Hero is SB and dealt
6 folds, Hero raises to $200, BB calls $160
So right off the bat, I have 33. Decent hand, not a hand that you want to play a big hand with, unless you flop a set, but a hand I will raise often from many positions, and certainly from the small blind. I raise to 3x as is my standard from the small blind, in comparison to my mini 2.2x from any other position. The reason being the BB already has chips invested in the middle and is getting a stellar price to see a flop in position which is a massive advantage so pricing them out is key.
Flop: ($480)
(2 players)
Now this flop sucks. In most situations I would c-bet the flop to try and take it down. But this flop is pure misery, so many hands connect with it soft or hard so I sigh to myself and do the one thing I hate to do.
Hero checks, BB checks
Turn: ($480)
Hmm now I'm intrigued after he checks back to me. The turn also makes the board way more interesting. Possible completed flush out there and a 4 card straight on the board, basically at this point I can rep a lot of things. Very possible that I checked a queen on the flop or some other wonky hand that is now a whole lot stronger. I don't care about my cards at all now, I can fire and should make any hand that isn't a straight or a made flush very uncomfortable and setup river play if he happens to call.
Hero bets $240, BB calls $240
River: ($960)
And he calls, not that out of the ordinary. It's just one of those boards that so many hands could at least like a little. The river changes everything. My hand now has value weeeee. But having absolutely the worst possible flush does not exactly make you high five your monitor with joy. I'm in a weird spot where if I bet I would essentially be turning my weak value hand into a bluff. Also the way my opponent flat called the turn, it is very possible he has a higher spade with some sort of pair, essentially making his hand unbluffable so I decide to check and hope he checks behind.
Hero checks, BB bets $960, Hero calls $960
Bam he bets pot and I take less then a second to snap call him. Now how could I possibly call him down so fast? I have the worst possible flush, any other spade dominates my hand hard. In my mind though, there was no chance he would make a bet that sized the way the action had gone if he had a truly strong hand, or even a hand that has any strength. The true premium queen of spades would try desperately to extract some value out of me, as would a 10 or a 9. Any flushes lower then that would never think they could get that much value out of me the way I had played my hand. I had represented a queen, and now he was doing his best big boy job of bullying that out of the pot. At least thats how I saw it.
So I call, He flips A9 neither of them spades, I collect the pot and he calls me an idiot. Sometimes poker is fun.
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