First tough day, and its definitely my own fault. Variance played its funny little roll as it often does in this foolish game, but I was not in the appropriate mind frame. I had the wrong music, I allowed myself to be distracted and I bought a new flavor snack (ketchup crispy minis are the worst). I even had the genius idea of working on learning spanish for an upcoming trip while playing poker. Unsurpisingly it did not work out all that well. It did help with the whole learning spanish, but god did my screen empty so fast, as my focus was turned off of poker. Combine those factors with running not so great and you have a recipe for a bad day of poker.
On the poker side of it, I am happy with a couple things today. I took a couple shots in 75/45s and 52/90s and I played really well. I would be moving far more of my action up to the higher limits if I handled them properly mentally. I just care too deeply about the results to give them more of my screen. I need to be able to brush off a cash bubble in them like it was nothing which I just cant do right now. I had a couple deep runs in these new fangled rush/turbo/on demand tournaments which seem to me like a gold mine, so soft but so decision intensive. Will be interesting to see if they make sense to leave in my grid of tables.
Really looking forward to seeing how I bounce back from this tomorrow.
Hand play time, as I said I didn't play all that well today so I don't have any of note from my session. Thank god I played well enough other days to have more then one interesting hand saved up.
Full Tilt - $24+2 $24 + $2 Sit & Go (#203926795) - Blinds: 60/120 No Limit Hold'em (9 players)
SB: $1685
BB Hero: $2930UTG: $4000MP: $895
MP+1: $1780
MP+2: $1165
LP: $3170
CO: $5030
BTN: $1160
Pre-flop: ($180) Hero is BB and dealt

UTG calls $120,
6 folds, SB calls $60, Hero checks
Start of the hand, I have 30bb which is a beautiful spot to be in a 45. You always want more of course, that is the point of the game. But as it stands now, I'm fairly comfortable. KQ suited is a decent hand, but I don't choose to raise as there is an UTG limper which is always fishy. I decide to take a flop and if I miss I can check fold with no harm done.
This flop is spectacular for my hand, it has given me the second nut flush draw with a gut shot straight draw as well. My hand is not made in anyway but I can now play it incredibly aggressively as I have so many outs in case my opponent does have a pair.
SB checks, Hero bets $240, UTG raises to $600, SB folds, Hero calls $360
I just talked about how I could play that flop aggressively and then I make the incredibly pansy move of flat calling his raise of my initial bet. That is easily the exact opposite of playing it aggressively. I had a good reason I swear. Yes I have an amazing draw and in some situations would be clamoring to put all of my chips in the middle. His reraise was just so wonky. It didn't seem like a raise I could make fold to a reraise with the stacks how they were. Also as soon as he made it alarm bells went off in my mind and I immediately was worried about him having the flush draw with an ace of diamond which would embarrassingly destroy my hand. But it was incredibly cheap and there was a couple other hands that he could possibly have that I would be in great shape against so I flatted.
Boom, yahtzee. I did it, high fives all around. Drinks on me tonight everyone. Hit my flush and my hand is looking very pretty now. But still all of my prior thoughts still stand, I'm still worried about the possibility of an ace of diamond flush.
Hero checks,
UTG bets $480, Hero calls $480
Check calling here is so important. Coming back to stack sizing, I could never bet out here because I would have to call any raise the villain made. If I bet I would be committing myself to stacking off against any better made hands and clearly raising would leave me far too vulnerable with my "strong" but very beatable hand.
Final Pot: $2520.00
Showdown:UTG shows

Outcome: UTG wins $2520.00
Single tear runs down my face, but because of the pot control I exercised in this spot I walk away with around 20 bb and still with a stellar shot of winning this tourney.
This hand illustrates pot control, which is a crucial element of what it takes to be successful in the 45 man tournaments, less so in Mtt's. In 45's its so important to make sure you have a usable stack throughout. If you can keep your stack around 20 bb's (or preferably higher) from mid game on, you will be in a comfortable spot and be able to maneuver that stack very well. Some of the best 45 man players do this so well, and make sure the pot is only ever as big as they want it to be.
The reason I would probably go all in on the flop in an MTT is that a 20bb stack is in no way enough to make any of the moves you want to make early through to mid-late game. You should be happy to take these close +ev spot for your stack to get to the point it needs to be for you to win these large tournaments. There will be times when you want to be careful and pot control weird pots in MTT's, but it is no wheres near as important as in a 45 man.
Anyways final game is just winding down now. I'm going to be down anywheres from 500-1k today depending on how I do in this one. ONE TIME!!